About the Conference

DML2012 will be held from March 1-3 in San Francisco, California. Stay tuned for more details...

See photos from DML2011 on Flickr.

The DML2011 Conference Program is now online!

Details about the Mozilla Science Fair are also available.

Add citations to the Designing Learning Futures Literature Review here

The Digital Media and Learning Conference is an annual event supported by the MacArthur Foundation and organized by the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub at University of California, Irvine. The conference is meant to be an inclusive, international and annual gathering of scholars and practitioners in the field, focused on fostering interdisciplinary and participatory dialog and linking theory, empirical study, policy, and practice.

The second conference will be held between March 3-5, 2011 at the Hilton Long Beach Conference and Meeting Center in Long Beach, California. The theme will be "Designing Learning Futures”. The Conference Chair will be Katie Salen. The conference committee includes Kimberly Austin, danah boyd, Sheryl Grant, Heather Horst, Mark Surman, Trebor Scholz and S. Craig Watkins. Keynote presentations will be given by Alice Taylor and Muki Hansteen-Izora. Our plenary session panelists will include François Bar, Mizuko Ito, Tara Lemmey and David Washington. The plenary session will be focused upon the theme of "Transformative Play" and will explore the following questions: What core socio-technical practices are shaping (or have the potential to shape) the communities, institutions, and connected ecologies in which we learn? In particular, how might we consider the varied dimensions of digital media in relation to hacking, modding, and user innovation? We will also have a book exhibit and technology demos.

To stay up-to-date on the conference, please check back on this site, follow #DML2011 on Twitter.

Call for Participants: Junior-Senior Mentorship Program (Deadline: Monday, February 7th, 2011)

We are looking for faculty (or those with a university affiliation) and junior scholars interested in meeting during the DML2011 conference (March 3-5 2011). In terms of time commitment, we have been envisioning a 45-60 minute meeting at during one of the breaks at the conference to discuss your various research interests, the DML field and any other topics of mutual interest. We will make the initial connection and you will be free to meet when, where and however you like while you are in Long Beach.

If you are interested in participating in the DML2011 Junior-Senior Mentor program as a junior or senior scholar, please send an email with *5 keywords* and/or *1-2 sentences listing your research interests* to dmlhub@hri.uci.edu on or before *Monday, February 7th, 2011*. Please do not hesitate to contact Rafi Santo rsanto@umail.iu.edu, our Junior-Senior Mentor Program Liason, or Heather Horst hhorst@uci.edu with any questions.

Call for Proposals: Ignite Talks (Monday, February 7, 2011)

Do you have a creative idea around the future of education and learning that you want to share? Are you excited about new possibilities or a new way of thinking? Are you ready to explore your ideas with a diverse and engaged community? We're looking for a few courageous souls who want to get their early stage ideas out there in a short, spunky format - an Ignite Talk - at the DML2011 Conference. Ignite talks are radically different from traditional conference talks. We're looking for humor, wit, energy and inspiration to be packed into one powerful five-minute talk. Visual and conceptual impact are also a must.

If you haven't seen an ignite talk, be sure to do a quick search for "ignite talks" to watch some of the thousands of Ignite Talks out there or check out these sites for a quick tutorial: http://ignite.oreilly.com/, http://www.speakerconfessions.com/2009/06/how-to-give-a-great-ignite-talk/, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignite_(event). If you still feel focused and inspired, send an email to dmlhub@hri.uci.edu with the following details before 9am California time on Monday, February 7th: Presentation Title, Name, Affiliation, Previous experience with Ignite-style talks. In addition, please rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 on the following criteria:

FUNNY (1 = Do you have a laugh track I can use?, 5 = ROFL)

INSPIRATIONAL (1 = I'll get to it, one day, 5= The future is now!)

CREATIVITY AND VISION (1=If we can't measure it, it didn't happen, 5= I'm always thinking outside the box)

ENERGY (1=Wake me up when it's over, 5= People call me the energizer bunny)

Ignite talks will be held on Friday, March 4th between 1:30 - 2:30 and Saturday, March 5th between 1:30 - 2:30. Please note any scheduling constraints in your proposal. Notifications of acceptance will be sent on/before February 14, 2011. All participants will need to arrange and fund their own travel to/from DML2011.


We're very pleased to announce the invited panels for the "New Collectives" track for the Digital Media and Learning 2011 Conference organized by conference committee member Mark Surman. The first panel, "Using mass participation to outcompete the incumbents (and have fun doing it)", will include participation by Joi Ito (CEO, Creative Commons), Sue Gardner (Executive Director, Wikipedia), Anya Kamanetz (Fast Company/DIYU) and Mark Surman (Executive Director, Mozilla). The second panel, "New Collectives and Learning: Case Studies of Networked Learning Organizations", will feature Cathy Davidson (Duke University/HASTAC), Diana Rhoten (SSRC/Startl) and Phiipp Schmidt (P2PU/Shuttleworth Foundation). 


We are very excited to announce the invited sessions for the “Emerging Plaforms and Policies” thematic track organized by conference committee member danah boyd (Microsoft Research). The first invited session will be on the “Challenges of Privacy” and will include a discussion with Del Harvey (Twitter), Anne Collier (Net Family News), danah boyd (Microsoft Research) and Amanda Lenhart (Pew Internet & American Life) moderated by John Palfrey (Harvard). The second invited session, “Politics/Values of UGC”, will include Andres Monroy-Hernandez (MIT), Finn Burton (NYU/University of Michigan) and Jonathan McIntosh. The session will be moderated by Mimi Ito (University of California, Irvine). The third invited session, “Living a Networked Public Life”, will feature presentations and discussions with Alice Marwick (Microsoft Research), Mary Gray (Indiana University) and Genevieve Bell (Intel), moderated by danah boyd (Microsoft Research).


The DML 2011 Conference Committee are excited to give you a sneak preview of a few invited panels for the “Youth, Digital Media, and Empowerment Track” at this year’s conference organized by conference committee member S. Craig Watkins. We will be hosting a series of invited sessions on “Youth, Digital Media and Critical Citizenship” that will include panelists such as Anastasia Goodstein (YPulse and Inspire USA Foundation), Henry Jenkins (USC), Lissa Soep (Youth Radio), Anne Bray (Freewaves), Lisa Marr (Echo Park Film Center), Paolo Davanzo (Echo Park Film Center), Reanne Estrada (Public Matters), Mike Blockstein (Public Matters), Fabian Wagmister (UCLA REMAP), Jeff Burke (UCLA REMAP) and Anne Bray (Freewaves). In addition, we will be hosting an invited panel on “Designing New Learning Ecologies: Rethinking the Technology and Education Debate” with Diana Rhoten (Startl), Akili Lee (YOUmedia/DePaul University), Christian Greer (Project Exploration) and S. Craig Watkins (University of Texas, Austin). 

To see and hear more about what the conference committee has been planning, check out Howard Rheingold's interview with Katie Salen and conference committee members danah boyd, Sheryl Grant, Trebor Scholz, Mark Surman and S. Craig Watkins:

See video
See video
See video
See video
See video
See video

Conference Chair

Conference Chair

Keynotes & Plenary

Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker
Plenary Panelist
Plenary Panelist
Plenary Panelist
Plenary Panelist

Conference Committee

Student Volunteers Chair
Emerging Platforms and Policies Chair
DML Competition Liason Chair
Local Organizing Committee Chair
Social Media Chair
New Collectives Chair
Youth, Digital Media and Empowerment Chair


News & Events

  • DML2012 will be held from March 1-3 in San Francisco, California. Stay tuned for more details...
  • The DML2011 Conference Evaluation is now up
  • Place your vote for the 10 best citations in the "Designing Learning Futures" literature here (visualization)
  • The DML2011 Conference Program is now online! Click here to review.
  • The deadline for conference registration has been extended to February 14, 2011 - please click here to register
  • The deadline for hotel reservations has been extended to February 8, 2011 at 5pm - click here to book your room
  • Have a dynamic, new idea you want to share at DML2011? Propose an Ignite Talk before February 7 - see the CfP for more details...
  • Hotel Registration Closes February 1, 2011 - click here to book your room and avoid LA traffic!!
  • The DML2011 Conference Schedule is online here
  • All Notifications for the DML2011 Conference Program have been sent to short talk presenters and workshop and panel organizers. Please contact your session organizer and/or dmlhub <at> hri <dot> edu if you have not received your notification
  • Student Volunteer Notifications have been sent 
  • Registration for DML2011 is now open. To register, please click here to complete the registration form and your registration payment. Registration fees will be $50 for students and underemployed and $100 for faculty, professional and employed.
  • DML2011 Conference Submission System Closed
  • Student Volunteer Applications Closed
  • Abstract Submission Deadline extended to Friday, November 5th (11:59pm PST) 
  • Invited sessions announced for the "New Collectives" track
  • DML2011 Conference Submission System Opens - http://fastapps.hri.uci.edu/
  • Invited sessions announced for the "Emerging Policies and Platforms" track
  • Invited session announced for the "Youth, Digital Media and Empowerment" track
  • Plenary session panelists and theme announced - François Bar, Mizuko Ito, Tara Lemmey and David Washington will discuss "Transformative Play"
  • Student volunteers wanted: Applications due November 6, 2010
  • DML2011 wikidot site - to organize a panel or workshop, see http://dml2011.wikidot.com/
  • Chair, Conference Committee, CfP and Keynotes announced - DML2011 "Designing Learning Futures"
  • Location announced - DML2011 to be held in Long Beach, CA
  • Dates announced - DML2011 to be held March 3-5, 2011

Key Dates & Deadlines

Oct. 18, 2010 - Proposal System Opens

Nov. 1, 2010 - Proposals Due (extended to Friday, November 5th at 11:59 pm Pacific)

Nov. 6, 2010 - Student Volunteer Applications Due

Dec. 1, 2010 - Registration Opens

Dec. 15 - 30, 2010 - Proposal Notifications Sent

Jan. 20, 2011 - Schedule Announced

Feb. 1, 2011 - Hotel Registration Deadline

Feb. 8, 2011 - Conference Registration Deadline

Mar. 3, 2011 - DML2011 Begins