21st Century Assessment to Promote 21st Century Learning: The Benefits of Blinking
Valerie J. Shute
Vanessa P. Dennen
Yoon-Jeon Kim
Oktay Donmez
Chen-Yen Wang
The immediate goal of the research described within the document is to identify and model a set of 21st century attributes, or competencies, that are currently being ignored in our schools, but we believe shouldn‘t be – especially with an eye toward the near future of our country and the world. The longer-term goal of our research is to develop, refine, pilot test, and ultimately validate an evidence-based assessment methodology (i.e., stealth assessment) embedded within immersive learning environments (e.g., games, simulations, scenarios, etc.) that can elicit data from learners, make inferences about competency levels at various grain sizes, and use that information as the basis for targeted support.
Publication Date:
January 5, 2010