National Writing Project: Digital Is


We have told stories to each other since the dawn of human history. We instinctively organize our thoughts as stories. Well-crafted stories engage us, inform us, inspire us and - long after first hearing them - resonate with us. Stories have always carried messages and meaning for us a long before writing, radio, film, television, or the Internet helped us tell them. The core elements of story never change - character, plot, settings, and obstacles to be overcome - but the ways in which we tell stories continue to evolve. The new media that surrounds us as educators and as learners has forced us to pay attention to, and to change, how education is conceived. One significant change to "Learning in the 21st Century" comes in the form of "transmedia storytelling," a process of writing and reading stories that invites participants into stories in ways that they have been unable to do so before digital technologies and the internet allowed us to connect in so many ways so quickly. It is this changing face of storytelling that sits at the core of this collection.

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Laura Fleming

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Publication Date: 
August 1, 2011