Mitch Resnick: Sowing the Seeds for a More Creative Society

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In this week's connected learning webinar, we ask, how can we help young people learn to express themselves with new technologies so they can be active participants in tomorrow's Creative Society?

About This Speaker:
Mitch Resnick directs the Lifelong Kindergarten group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, which specializes in developing new technologies to engage people (particularly children) in creative learning experiences. His research projects include Scratch, Programmable Bricks, and Computer Clubhouse.

To view an in-depth list of resources accumulated and questions posed throughout this webinar, as well as a detailed list of Google+ hangout participants, please click here.'s weekly webinar series features hand-selected researchers, practitioners, educators, and thought leaders from the DML field whose work relates to connected learning's principles.

Digital Media and Learning Research Hub

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Publication Date: 
March 13, 2012