Digital Media and Democracy: Early Returns

Digital Media and Democracy: Early Returns Blog Image

The relationship between digital media and democracy is complicated, because it is difficult for researchers to draw causal connections between adopting new social computing technologies and promoting what Joseph Kahne, Mills College professor and head of the Civic Engagement Research Group, has characterized as behaviors and values consistent with an “effective, just, and humane democratic society.”… more

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Esther Wojcicki's H.S. Journalism Learning Community

Esther Wojcicki's High School Journalism Learning Community Blog Image

I learned about Esther Wojcicki's high school journalism program and learning community from my personal learning network - the people I sought out on Twitter because they seemed to know something about the topics that interest me, including digital journalism and digital media and learning. When I want to learn about a topic,… more

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Crowdsourcing Authority in the Classroom

Crowdsourcing Authority in the Classroom Blog Image

“A wacko holding forth on a soapbox.  If Ms. Davidson just wants to yammer and lead discussions, she should resign her position and head for a park or subway platform, and pass a hat for donations.”

That is an example of some of the negative comments I received when I wrote a blog on grading in my “Cat in the Stack” column on a website for the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory( HASTAC). I titled the post How To Crowdsource Grading and its premise grew out of a course I taught last year at Duke called “This Is Your Brain on the Internet"… more

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