Code Acts: How Computer Code Configures Learning

Code Acts: How Computer Code Configures Learning Blog Image

Computer code is rapidly becoming a mature part of contemporary collective life. Commonly understood as the instructions that act on software and computing machines, code itself is now however becoming a significant focus for social scientific research. Yet the specific influence of code on learning remains only barely researched. So how might we think about researching how computer code acts to configure learning?… more

Learning and the Emerging Science of Behavior Change, aka 'Nudging'

Learning and the Emerging Science of Behavior Change

The language of learning today is full of references to “softness” and “openness.” Software, soft skills, soft performance, and the softening up of school knowledge go hand-in-hand with open source, open access and open educational resources in much current thinking about networked learning. How might this softening and opening up of the language of networked learning influence how learners think, perceive, feel and act?… more

Coded Curriculum: The New Architectures of Learning

Coded Curriculum: The New Architectures of Learning Blog Image

How should we understand the part played by code in digital media and learning? We are accustomed to arguments that digital media are affecting our existing practices of reading, looking, seeing and hearing, yet relatively little is said of how the underlying code and algorithmic architectures of software actually exert those effects. The work done by code and algorithmic architectures in remediating learning through digital technologies, however, should be treated extremely seriously.… more