Expertise, Redefined

Expertise, Redefined Blog Image

What makes an “expert”? What makes for “expert knowledge” in the digital age? In today's culture of digital media, new forms of expertise and knowledge seem to be increasingly available, with the result that young people are now being encouraged into new knowledge practices and incited to learn from and identify with new models of expertise. As educators, what kinds of expertise are we trying to develop in our students?… more

Programmable Pedagogy: Reconfiguring the Future of Learning

Programmable Pedagogy: Reconfiguring the Future of Learning Blog Image

What is "pedagogy" and what does it do? In the digital age, the future of education is being redefined in relation to new technologies and digital media, and we are having to rethink what we understand by pedagogy and its possible effects on learners. What kinds of pedagogies, then, are being configured in discussions about the future of education, and how might they configure the future learner?

Programmable Pedagogymore

Methods for Shaping Society

Methods for Shaping Society Blog Image

What do research methods do? Research methods are routinely understood as objective techniques for getting to know the world. Yet they may be more influential and socially significant than this, particularly as more digital methods are being developed and deployed. So what, too, do digital methods do? And why is this important for researching digital media and learning?… more