Exploration: Digital Media and Social Inequality

Exploration: Digital Media and Social Inequality

Christo Sims is a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley's School of Information and a graduate researcher for the Connected Learning Research Network’s Leveling Up project. The project team is investigating the learning dynamics of interest-driven online groups that support academically relevant knowledge-seeking and expertise development.… more

Why Critical Design Literacy is Needed Now More Than Ever

Why Critical Design Literacy is Needed Now More Than Ever Blog Image

One thing is clear in our work at Texas City High School (TCHS) this year: students like to create their own media.  Students at TCHS create their own YouTube channels, compose original music, comics, games, Tumblr pages, art work, and fashion designs.  As young people’s use of social and digital media applications continues to evolve they are developing what I call a “design disposition.”  This is a reference to a distinct generational view that they expect to not o… more