Seeing the Classroom as a Hub of Technology-enabled Social Change

The Classroom as Hub of Technology-enabled Social Change Blog Image

Antero Garcia, who teaches English at a high school in South Central Los Angeles, is a PhD candidate, focusing on critical literacies and civic identity through the use of mobile media and game play. He utilizes his classroom as a center of youth participatory action research. His students assess and address real-life needs in their South Central community.… more

Conectar Igualdad: Argentina’s Bold Move to Build an Equitable Digital Future

Argentina’s Bold Move to Build an Equitable Digital Future

I recently had a chance to participate in a wonderful conference in Buenos Aires.  El Congreso Internacional de Inclusión Digital Educativa (The International Conference on Digital Inclusion Education) was an event that celebrated and illuminated a new national initiative in Argentina to equip students in secondary schools (grades 10, 11, and 12) with netbooks.  The program is sponsored by Conectar Igualdad, an organization supported by Argentina’s President and Ministry of Educatio… more

Mitch Resnick: The Role of Making, Tinkering, Remixing in Next-Generation Learning

Mitch Resnick: Making, Tinkering, and Remixing i

Mitch Resnick is on the conference committee for the 2012 Digital Media and Learning Conference, "Beyond Educational Technology: Learning Innovations in a Connected World." As Professor of Learning Research at the MIT Media Lab, he develops new technologies and activities to engage people (especially children) in creative learning experiences.… more