Creativity: A Literacy?

Creativity, A Literacy  Blog Image

You could make the argument that of all the ills perpetuated by the industrial age approach to education the worst is conformity. Originality had no place in a factory production line. Or so it was thought. Likewise, standardized education and testing has all too often promoted a numbing uniformity. But, our networked society and the information age want, need, and prize something altogether different when it comes to creativity.

This commissioned film by “soul biographer” Nic Askew (part of a series of films on connected learning) asks:

‘In this rapidly changing world might creativity need to sit at the heart of an education for all?’

‘Might education now need to embrace these new forms of literacy for all students?’

‘Might our future call for creative, literate, self expressive and resourceful students?’

The interview subject is DePaul University associate professor Nichole Pinkard, founder of Chicago's pioneering Digital Youth Network, which is supported by the MacArthur Foundation (as is DMLcentral) as part of its digital media and learning portfolio.

Connected Learning: 'CREATIVE' from DML Research Hub on Vimeo.

Other films in the connected learning series include:






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Banner image credit: Sean MacEntee