Literacies, Semantic Web and Recommended Resources
Editor's note: Global Kids does a stellar job each month pointing us to excellent resources.
The 2010 Horizon Report: Museum Edition (report)
The 2010 Horizon Report: Museum Edition, part of the New Media Consortium's Horizon Project, looks at emerging technologies and their potential impact on museums. The report, like all Horizon reports, identifies six key technological trends. For museums, the report features: mobile technology, social media, augmented reality, location-based services, gesture-based computing, and semantic Web. The report delves into each technology in much more detail, provides a list of museums that are exemplary in their use of those technologies, and includes additional resources for reading. It also details four key broader trends and six challenges.… more
Recommended Reading, Viewing, Clicking
Editor's note: Global Kids does a stellar job each month pointing us to key resources.
We are not Waiting for Superman, We are Empowering Superheroes (Presentation)
Social entrepreneur and learning researcher Diana Rhoten, at a recent conference, presented, "Design for Learning: We Are Not Waiting for Superman, We are Empowering Superheroes," a response to the recent film about the failures of American education, "Waiting For Superman." Interested in re-designing the face and the future of learning, Diana laid out three assumptions and three aspirations that offer a great summary (with much better articulation) of how we at Global Kids approach digital media and learning.
* Assumption 1: The future of education is about learning not schooling.
* Assumption 2: Technology is not an end in itself but a means to an end, and that end is better learning.
* Assumption 3: The power of technology to advance learning depends on context of use.
* Aspiration 1: We want to be disruptive in our work.
* Aspiration 2: We see our work as taking place on the edges.
* Aspiration 3: We want to work with thinkers and doers, makers and movers beyond the “usual suspects.”… more
Recommended Reading, Viewing, Clicking
Editor's note: Global Kids does a great job mining the 24/7 flow of resources coming out of the digital media and learning field. They share some of their favorites each month. Please tell us what you're reading or watching and why others should as well!
How do we pick what to put on this list? Often, when we come across something more than once, from different sources, we usually know we're on to something fast becoming a meme. A video, "Daniel Pink: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us," is one of them. The author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future gave a talk on the nature of motivation, a subject that in and of itself is interesting. However, the video is someone illustrating the audio of the talk, as if in real time. The presentation is as intriguing as the subject matter.… more