Community and Writing in an Age of New Collectives

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In Larry Sanger's history of the development of Wikipedia in Open Sources 2.0, the Wikipedia co-founder writes: For months I denied that Wikipedia was a community, claiming that it was, instead, only an encyclopedia project, and that there should not be any serious governance problems if people would simply stick to the task of making an encyclopedia. This was wishful thinking. In fact, Wikipedia was from the beginning both a community and an encyclopedia project. (p. 329; my emphasis). In other words, Sanger argues that the problems he associated with Wikipedia when he was head of the project -- the bias against experts, for example -- were a direct result of his acting as if Wikipedia were merely an unique, communal encyclopedia rather than a community that was producing an unique, communal encyclopedia.… more

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Post-Platonic Writing on the Web

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In the Phaedrus, Plato famously objected to writing, noting that it would cause a number of ills: it would lead to the decay of memory, it would deceive people into thinking that they possessed knowledge merely because they had read about it, and it was dumb - that is, it couldn't answer questions in a dialectical format. If I read something I don't understand or disagree with, I can't ask the text to explain itself. It will always say what it says, forever. In general, the response of technologists has been that Plato was both right and wrong.… more

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Digital Media and the Changing Nature of Authorship

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Students spend a lot of time writing. Most everyone vividly remembers writing essays for school, and, for many, those memories are not necessarily pleasant. Talk of writing in the classroom often dredges up images of empty pages yawning to be filled, writer's block, and a general uneasiness with the idea of writing in general. The papers we wrote were typically read only by our teachers, and maybe our classmates, after which they disappeared never to be seen again. In Literacy in American Lives, Deborah Brandt explains the origin for some of these uneasy feelings, noting that in her interviews with American families she found that parents tended to encourage their children to read, associating reading with social mobility and learning, while at the same time the act of writing was discouraged and generally associated with shame and fear. Very few of her subjects, many of whom wrote in private, were willing to identify themselves as writers or were comfortable talking about their writing with their families and friends. Brandt's research was limited to American subjects, but she connects this legacy of shame about writing to a history of cultural control, in which governments and churches sought to actively suppress writing instruction, along with the dissent and rebellion that often accompanied public authorship. Despite our dislike for writing in the classroom and the complicated history of writing, people are writing now more than ever.… more

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