Social Learning, Literacies and Recommended Resources
Paleontologist from American Museum of Natural History shows I Dig Brazil kids images of ancient animals.
Editor's note: Global Kids does a great job each month pointing us to excellent new resources.
Digital and Media Literacy: A Plan for Action (report)
This report by media literacy scholar Renee Hobbs for The Aspen Institute and the Knight Foundation is a call to arms. It begins with the declaration that "the time to bring digital and media literacy into the mainstream of American communities is now." These literacies include the ability to make responsible choices, analyze messages, create content, reflect on one's own conduct and communication, and take social action "to share knowledge and solve problems in the family, workplace and community, and by participating as a member of a community." Both this framework for digital literacies, and its action plan for using a community education movement to bring a curriculum into both formal and informal settings, is valuable for anyone concerned about digital media, learning, and issues of equity.… more
UK Student Protests: Democratic Participation, Digital Age
The stereotypical characterization of young people as politically apathetic, interested only in using digital media for socializing and gaming, has been punctured by recent events in the UK. University and high school students took to the streets to protest against the tripling of tuition fees for higher education, reductions to grants for 16-18 year olds, and cuts in government university funding. During November and December, students, staff, parents and the wider public marched in London and other UK cities and many universities had buildings occupied, with University of Kent staying in occupation over the Christmas and New Year break. Social media has been crucial in the organization of this protest movement, in reaching out to the wider public and in both engaging with and providing an alternative to mainstream media journalism. It also raises questions about the nature of democratic and civic participation in the digital age.… more
Mozilla Drumbeat: Open Web Meets Open Learning
What if the same energy, ideals, organizational effectiveness, global army of volunteers and code wizardry that created the Firefox web browser could be applied to learning and education? Don't forget that the Mozilla Foundation is all about maintaining the openness and generativity of the Web. Mark Surman, executive director of the Mozilla Foundation, told me recently "we need to do more than make a browser" for Mozilla to advance its larger goals. I asked him why Mozilla decided to turn its attention and formidable energies to education and learning. "We looked at each other," Surman said, "and asked ourselves who kinda looks like the people who made Firefox?" Which is what brought Mozilla's attention to the kinds of efforts represented here on DMLcentral. Open educational resources, intelligent use of media creation, gaming, social media in encouraging collaborative, peer-to-peer learning -- all fit closely with both open Web goals and open source production methods. Drumbeat was the name of the get-together organized by Mozilla in Barcelona last November, and it's the name of the online smartmob that's putting open-source principles and methods together with new kinds of learning media and methods.… more