SXSWedu, Highlights

SXSWedu, Highlights Blog Image

In just its second year, attendance at South by Southwest’s educational branch more than doubled from the inaugural year. SXSWedu offered a broad range of participants and guest speakers, including public K-12 educators, school district administrators, technology entrepreneurs, and education researchers.… more

Reflections on DML2012 and Visions of Educational Change

Reflections on DML2012 and Visions of Educational Change Blog Image

A few days back home after DML2012, I've been browsing through the blogosphere and tweet streams and reflecting on the various conversations I had at the event. One unfortunate side-effect of being part of the organizing is that I can't get to many sessions, so I'm grateful for the after-party happening online. I wanted to pull one thread of my own learning related to this year's theme, which centered on innovation, technology, and educational reform.… more

Badges for Learning: Threading the Needle Between Skepticism and Evangelism

Threading the Needle Between Skepticism and Evangelism Blog Image

There has been much ado the past week or so about whether badges can offer a viable means for assessing learning. It has been boisterous on both sides.… more